Who we are

creative street art graffiti was started in the year 2005,as a project for the young,skilled and talented youth.creative art graffiti is located in Devan Plaza along N gong road.the youths are passionate in designing street walls and graphic design this project was sponsored by Alex otieno who is the CEO of the company.this project has enable many youth in the street to build they talent and enterprenual skills.

About Us

Creative Art is a online shop that makes the process of buying easier.You can buy our graphic design and art online.We also showcase street wall which are design by our artist.We also hire artist who are part of our team.In creative art company we offer free delivery to our clients.You can shop online and will deliver the product to you in the shortest time possible.This save the cost of moving from home to the mall/shop.


core values

creative art uphold the following values


Team Work


Passion in Art and Graffiti


Our Mission

is to support and produce socially engaged innovative art as a grassroot community-based artist run organization.


Our Vision

to be a space where culture and dignity speak louder than the rules of private or lifestyle that put profit before compassion respect and social justice.

Our Team

Peter kimani

Founder & CEO


Ali Zaenal

Lead Designer


Ireen Mercy

Marketing Director